
The Post Graduate Program in Biological Sciences (previously named Post Graduate Program in Biology) from Federal University of Goiás (UFG-PPGCB) took off in December 1979, according to Resolution 143/79 of the Coordinating Council of Education and Research (CCEP). It belongs to the Institute of Biological Sciences (ICB) and is subordinate to the Dean of post Graduate Studies (PRPG). Our aims and mission involved development of professionals to work in scientific research, in teaching and the development of activities related to the area of Biological Sciences and major related areas: biochemistry, pharmacology, physiology, biotechnology, genetics, genomics and proteomics. The program is intended to serve professionals from diverse backgrounds (agronomists, biologists, biomedical scientists, doctors,  engineers, pharmacists, physical educators, physiotherapists, nurses, nutritionists, dentists, chemists, veterinarians, among others) and currently the program  offers two levels of training: Master and PhD.

The PPGCB is organized in a post graduate Coordination as a deliberative body, an executive body (consists of a coordinator and a sub-coordinator),  committees (Administrative, Scholarship, Selection) and a Secretariat as an organ of coordination support. All the PPGCB activities are regulated by Resolution in CEPEC. 1075, 2012.

Since the establishment in 1980 till date (July 2014), the PPGCB has produced over 450 dissertations and theses in different areas of biological sciences. Most masters and PhDs by PPGCB are working in federal, state and private  institutions such as IBAMA, Department of Health and Secretary of Education of the State of Goiás, regulatory agencies, environmental area businesses and health.

The program currently has 23 lecturers (19 permanent  lecturers, 4 collaborators and 1 visiting professor) and 3 areas of research that integrate the various research groups working in PPGCB-UFG. These groups has been developing cutting-edge research, employing experimental techniques in large areas of knowledge related to microorganisms, plants and animals. The PPGCB UFG consists of UFG and the Catholic University of Goiás (PUC-GO) lecturers, researchers from EMBRAPA - National Research Center for Rice and Beans (CNPAF). Currently, the program has entered into a partnership with the University of Mississipi (USA), through the collaboration of Prof. Dr. Jordan Kordian Zjawiony.